June 5, 2013

  • You Can't Afford 13 Cents a Day? Really?

    13 cents a day! That's about what $48.00 a year amounts to!

    You can't afford that? Really?

    If you look at the food you drink, the computer and cellphone you pay for, the car or SUV you drive - or whatever your bills are - your telling me you can't afford 13 cents a day?

    (And if you can't I am sorry - I don't not mean to be mean to those who are in really difficult financial situations)

    13 cents a day is probably much less than one stomp on the gas pedal in a SUV
    - or compact car for that matter!

    It's definitely much less than a soda or soft drink.

    A lousy lunch at McD's is probably 5 bucks or more!

    You can pay for a month of xanga for one cheap lunch!

    I mean - a gumball a day out of a gumball macine is more than that!

    Now I can understand how some might not have $48.00 at once crack - and a monthly or quarterly payment might make things easier. $12 a quarter? $4 a month?

    But really!

    Relaunch Xanga!


    For the price of one gumball from this machine a day,
     you can almost pay for TWO new xanga accounts!

    1 Gumball 2 Xanga accounts!

Comments (82)

  • Trying to stay positive here. But now everytime I click that link, it isn't moving much. sigh. Had a good momentum going. Now it seems to be slowing down.

    C'mon people!!

  • I can afford that. But why would I want to when I can blog for free? Especially considering all the worn out things people always complained about until it death was finally upon us. Now instead of "the Xanga commmunity is dying, remember the good ole days? This blows" its "Lets preserve dying xanga and pay money to pay to blog even though we can go elsewhere for free!"

  • With all due respect, for me, its not about the money. I can't seem to get others to understand my point of view either.....

  • @wildchildofthebluemoon - Oh! Well - if you have more fun things to do - go do that! Yeah! I agree - don't spend money on things you don't want! But - if you want a nice blog - without ads - $25 a year was great! $48.00 isn't much worse!

  • @armnatmom - Well - if it is about other things than the money - sure - why pay for something your don't even really want to begin with! I just thing posting on xanga is worth something!

  • @Megabyyte - Yeah! If you add up the totals on the contribution page - you will find that there are some "missing" contributions. Early on, there were apparently some larger contributions that did not fit any of the standard categories...

  • When I was in college, I lived on Spam (fried it up to make it taste better) and ramen. So yeah, there really are some people who can't afford $0.13 a day. If you're a literal penny pincher because you're on a tight budget, you don't eat out, you don't buy coffee, and you don't have the extra cash to buy a blog.

    I myself donated. But I can see where some people are coming from and understand why they can't.

  • @firetyger - Well sure! There are likely some who can't afford it - and I do apologize to those who really can't. But I hear that reason far too often.

  • @Donkey_Guy_10 -  Yeah, I'm totally okay with ads. I mean, my blog on here is just like I want it to be, and my blog on WordPress fits me fine. If I felt more productive recently, the two would be almost identical, with the exception that WordPress lets me categorize blogs.

  • Exactly. I can't afford it. I can't even afford McDonalds. lol.

  • if it was less than $48, i might consider. $48 is a week of groceries for me.

    but really, it comes down to value. i know web design and development. for just $10 a year, i could buy my own domain. i could design my own site, and i could run some ads and get reimbursed, probably making money in the process.

    plus, i'm reluctant to pay for anything that doesn't exist yet. i'm not the investor type.

  • You can have TWO xanga accounts for the price of one gumball a day from a vending machine!

  • @Donkey_Guy_10 -  If I may clarify... I love Xanga and enjoy what I have gotten out of it over the past 7 years. I would love to stay here. However, at present, I can't agree with their decisions.

  • Hmm, let me see. Cell phone? Necessity. SUV? Necessity. Lunch? Necessity. Tell me, what exactly are you smoking? You ARE aware that Facebook remains FREE, yes? Why? Because it is successful. People WANT to go there, MANY people. Not so for Xanga. Let it die.

  • @wildchildofthebluemoon - 

    Bless your cute SENSIBLE ass, darling!

  • @Donkey_Guy_10 - 

    I have ZERO problem with ads. That's someone else paying the bill. As long as it's not me.

  • @CanuckFascist - The only good that could come out of xanga dying, is that YOU die with it. You and your worthless drivel.

  • @Megabyyte - 

    Why are you talking to me? Did you not MEGABLOCK me? I had you throwing a tantrum in tears the last time we ran into each other. So, why come back? No doubt you are fascinated by me and my superior intellect. It IS a shame because you are such an absolute CUTIE!!! You may go now.

  • @Megabyyte - 

    Oooh, you are just SOOOOO PRETTY!! I want to hit on you!

  • @CanuckFascist - She has a site - go hit on her there! Oh! You can't? She blocked you! Well - you had better be nice! It could happen again!

  • What....who are these bickering FOOLS. OBVIOUSLY not from our den.

  • @Donkey_Guy_10 - 

    Naw, I would make her cry again. You too, perhaps?

  • @spazmom40 - I beleive Megabyyte is in the Den! LOL!

  • @spazmom40 - 

    Who is this irrelevancy??

  • I haven't block anyone since @Spazmom40 blocked me years ago! It was all great fun!

  • Said worthless drivel made @MEGABYYTE cry. Would this not suggest it is not 'worthless' after all??? Hmmm? The lack of intellect in here is truly staggering.

  • @Donkey_Guy_10 - 
    I never believed you to be a 'blocker'. I have seen you comment, and create blogs. I have annoyed you before, albeit without attempting to do so and never did you block me. I actually adored @MEGABYYTE, but I guess I rubbed her the wrong way one too many times. Meh.

  • @CanuckFascist - Spazmom40 is the gatekeeper to the Den of Fools! If you aren't careful - she will admit you to the Den just to kick you out! You obviously do not know what planet you landed on here!

  • @CanuckFascist - Oh! You can harass me all you want on my site - but I am protective of my den of fools! LOL! Just like a donkey!

  • @Donkey_Guy_10 - 

    Harass? I do not 'harass'. I simply tell it like it is. If others believe this to be a form of 'harassment', that is their own intellectual limitations talking.

  • @CanuckFascist - Uh! Oh! I was thinking about blocking you - but - this might be too much fun too watch! Where is the popcorn! You are fortunate most of the den are sleeping right now.

  • @CanuckFascist -  Well Ding Dang Dong it!

  • @Donkey_Guy_10 -  WHAT!POPCORN!! this will be a chocolate feast for fools!!

  • Who let the Spazzzzzzz out? who who who?

  • @CanuckFascist -  WHAT are you even talking about??? What ARE you even talking about?? What are YOU even talking about?? What are you EVEN talking about? What are you even TALKING about?? What are you even talking ABOUT???

  • @spazmom40 - Add them to the list Spazz:

    1. Who is this irrelevancy!
    2. You don't know what planet you just landed on!

  • i dont think anyone in the Den of Fools denies their irrelevancy! matter of fact, we thrive on it!

  • should i flash him?? might send him into shock!

  • 3. The lack of intellect in here is truly staggering.

    we thrive on lack of intellect!

  • three zingers in one night might be a record.

  • Oh! Who let the Spazzz out! LOL!

  • @CanuckFascist -  "The lack of intellect in here is truly staggering" SHGLAF!!!!!!!!!

  • Donkey, you're staggering!

  • my car runs on a lick and a promise, spit and bailing wire, a wing and a prayer and duct tape to hold it all together...I have no idea what McDonalds is...eating out is when I take a sandwich with me someplace...new clothes are nice to look at in the ads...dollar tree is my favorite store...cell phone I have to have on me at all times just in case I am suppose to call dr or help...we all know I won't...lol...my membership was paid for years ago before I became this rich in blessings...so yeah I's gonna make it through the night, again...but it's gonna take a while to make it through...smile

  • I am staggering to bed Spazzz!

  • and the 13 cents could just buy 1 postcard (6x4 or 15cmx10cm) size, so its worth it
    However weighting on snail mail and the $0.13, if you just collect postcards fine, but if you sending one with the stamp it would cost you more.

    Do I think we can save Xanga, maybe now.

  • @CanuckFascist - 

    Just because Lil' Wayne makes millions of dollars off albums of what he and sadly millions of other people call as "rap" or "music" doesn't mean he's better than Mos Def or Mozart or he's more successful. The argument that people want to go there is a horrible excuse for success. People always kill each other, start wars, and shoot up drugs that doesn't say much.

    By the way. Why the fuck are you on here anyway go off to Facebook it's more successful? You must be very lonely if you just HAVE to reply to everyone in the comments. LOLOL dude were you emasculated by 90% of the Xangans on here or something? Bro wow...so sad.

  • whoa dude! such controversy over something so... goofy? and of COURSE i had to actually fall asleep for the first time in a week and missed the whole thing

    the MAJORITY of 'us' can afford to pay for this... as you said Donkey, in all reality, it's cheap in comparison to other things we have and/or do. (though this queen refuses to cut out coffee or chocolate in order to afford it! i would prefer to cut out broccoli from my diet or one steak per month!!! *just sayin'*) there of COURSE are some that can't afford to pay but my guess is they aren't the ones complaining about the funds either.... in many ways it sounds pretty biblical to me...

    (*smile elmer* I think you're cool!)

    NOW, onto more important things... whoEVER insults my spazzz or anyone else who is critically important to this Queen: OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!!


  • @Donkey_Guy_10 - 

    AMEN! (and I just bought popcorn, pretzels and pistachios... i was having a 'p' craving with salt on it! shgalf!)

  • I keep seeing these just 13 cents a day things from people. Personally I think it is really stupid. It is one thing to find 13 cents a day for a year to pay for something but many people can't just make a lump sum payment because to them that is out of their budget, to them that takes food out of their familiea mouths and diapers off of their childrens bottoms. Personally I am going to do the $50 thing but frankly with my wedding coming up in a few months, moving, student loans, family reunions I am not sure I should be spending my money on that. Oh and if you are in debt I bet the $50 would be put to better use there then on Xanga. It might just seem like 13 cents a day but it also that lump sum of money that is difficult for people.

  • @Foodhog - Yeah! I think they should probably offer quarterly and monthly payment options. But one thing at a time I guess!

  • <--- thinks we need a DoF on FB.... anyone with me on that? Or am I behind the times and there already is a DoF on FB?????

    <--- Is delusional according to that lovely Tude so who knows. ;)

  • @Donkey_Guy_10 - "Now I can understand how some might not have $48.00 at once crack - and a monthly or quarterly payment might make things easier. $12 a quarter? $4 a month?" Now I could handle that.

  • @MamaInkWench - Yeah! I thought Spazzz had set up a Den of Fools on FB! I don't see it!

  • Considering Penzu offers premium for a year at around $19....nope. Sorry. Blogging isn't important enough for me to spend almost $50 on.

  • @Donkey_Guy_10 -  tude set up the den of fools on FB. it's there someplace.

  • @CanuckFascist - Awwww, dumb dumb move ditch digger!

  • @Music_turned_Human - Queens rule, Canucks drool! SHGLAF


  • Not all at once. $48 is going towards gas or maybe groceries. It's a very bad time for us financially.

  • WRONG! Send all your .13 cents's to me~! NOT the evil Xanga~! Send yer money where it will do some good! Send it all to the Dead Pirate!

  • I already paid for lifetime. It's not that I can't afford it, it's about do I want to pay again. I'm not sure I do. I don't think Xanga is necessarily a smart investment. As I said in my blog, they need to decide what they are. They need to be smart, and frankly I'm not sure they are. When FB became popular and my space was out, Xanga had a good opportunity to make smart changes and set itself apart. You could see the numbers falling, but instead they added weird sub sets, and tried to add the featured question thing, ( because Dan was so popular?) and those didn't work. So they leave those things and do nothing to become what could have been the most popular, successful blog site ever.
    It's very user friendly and very easy to interact, throw up some really, smart, well written, controversial blogs, and some really funny, well written blogs, and some well written personal stories, and they could have been on their way, just by finding great blogs and featuring those. I really believe that could have done it. But instead they have no real criteria for featuring blogs except some lazy man's question. Number one featured page, Do you like small or big breasts? Number two, My Garden, pic of garden, number 3, Fuck you everyone, number 4, It's my 15th birthday... And this is from someone who has made front page several times as have you. But there were people who rocked their blogs and because they didn't sell themselves by commenting on a million blogs themselves they were lost, and left. That was not a smart move on xanga's part in my opinion. Sorry for the book/comment

  • Other sites are free and if you want toupgrade to a paid account they're less than half the cost that xanga's making you pay just to blog. That's the point. Also, what happens when people pledge a year subscription but then xanga runs put of money before you can renew your paid account and has to shut down anyway?

  • @Queen_Tude - 

    No, no, we leave the ditch-digging for the Americans, inferior people that they are.

  • @KageOokami - 

    Oooh, someone's upset with me. A shame.

    You are comparing Facebook with this place? Lil Wayne with Mozart? Are you on crack, as most rap-loving Americans are?

  • @Donkey_Guy_10 - 

    No doubt another one of your drinking binges, something you Americans are so famous for.

  • I agree with you completely. Might rec this later.

  • I love the gumball idea. That didn't even register when I signed up. I just went, what? Xanga's going? Oh no, not if I can help it. Wish I could help more. I feel like I've been here forever. I'm not sure what I'll do without it.

  • It's not the cost, it's the principal, Donkey. I already bought 153 gumballs with them earlier and now they're saying they 'accidentally' lost them. I'm not buying any more candy from their dispenser until they somehow find all the other gumballs they've lost with everyone else.

  • @CanuckFascist - What the Frankenberries! Holy Sherman Tanks!

  • @CanuckFascist -  Den of Fools doesn't do crack!! only CHOCOLATE!! "Cuckoo noises and bells!"

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