March 26, 2008

  • Donkey Pick of the Week - 03/26/2008

    This weeks pick of the week is from Seedsower!

    From Seedsower!

    Picture Picks of the Week

    From Spazzz!

    Dead Turkey Joke of the Day

    Whose cruel idea was it for the word "lisp" to have an "s" in it?

    Since light travels faster than sound, isn't that why some people appear bright until you hear them speak?

    How come abbreviated is such a long word?

    If it's zero degrees outside today and it's supposed to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold is it going to be?

    Why are they called apartments, when they're all stuck together?

    YouTube Today's YouTube Tune

    The Greatest American Hero

    What's your pick?

Comments (31)

  • Good morning Donkey! What lovely Tulips and what a cute bunny, too! Hope you have a very happy humper day!

  • I love tulips!!  And the bunny is cute!  Happy Hump Day! Alicia

  • Morning Donkey.

  • Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm .. Spring flowers!

  • @EyeHatePeas - It's about time!  I've been sitting here waiting for him to post ... and I still missed the first spot.  But beating you is truly an accomplishment!!

  • good MORNING donkey! i LOVE seedsowers picture! we ate spazzz's bunny on sunday... i have pictures to prove it... i'll post them later!

  • they just did a segment on the news about a guy who was a woman but had surgery to be a guy but kept his inner organs(uterus et al) is now pregnant.... now THAT is weird news for ya!

    and really, if you are a woman and want to be a guy WHY would you keep your ovaries and uterus????? i certainly wouldnt want them!!!!

  • i think you should do a post on trees.... and their diseases.... cause... i find that a VERY interesting topic!!!!!!

    no! really!!!!! i DO!!!!!!! for me???? PLEEEAAAAASSSEEEEEE?!?!?!?!?

    pickles... i have salt and pepper shakers that are pickles.... no one believes me but they really ARE pickles.

    hmmmmm.... now i am craving pickle....

  • Good Morning! I gotta go with the tulips!

  • Nobody chose to "pick" their nose?  I am amazed.....Just kidding...I love the color of those tulips! Just beautiful!

  • Seedsower really did take some beautiful pictures, didn't she? Trees, huh? I think you should post about herbs. (No, not Alpert!)  Chives and parsley, and stuff like that.

  • I am so glad that you liked that pic for a pick!
    I want a pickle now too Tude...Yup and the pickle juice,I drink that as well!

  • Oh yes, the tulips are sure winners....

  • The tulips are gorgeous and the jokes are worth a chuckle today!!

  • Very nice pics and I loved the sayings at the end, particularly the one about people being bright until you hear them speak!  ha, ha 

  • the flowers are so pretty and that bunny is so CUTE!

  • "Since light travels faster than sound, isn't that why some people appear bright until you hear them speak?"

    That is sooo true!!! ROTF!!!

  • Those are great thoughts! LOL!

  • abb...such good thoughts to ponder on...and yep tulips are pretty too...wait til the see the fowl that live on campus too...that is such a great aunt and I would rent a trailer in june and go get all the free furniture, that was good of course, and redo her furnished have 14 of them so far...I don't want no more a good even tho it hurts

  • it should read wail til they see the foul that live on campus too...ta even tho it hurts

  • Meow ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!!!! goooooooood Meowning ~ !!!

    Have a wonderful day ~

    ona cat~^.^~

  • If a donkey walks ten miles, graze a pasture for another hour, returns to work and heads home, was that an ordinary day? Probably because it is outdoors. I think you need to get out more, instead of just observing stuff that happens indoors.

  • Monring Donkey thanks for the comments on my post..

  • You know, you put those things under the joke area, but they are SO TRUE!  lol

  • I likes both pictures................Waves hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • da Bunny is adorable! I have the Greatest American Hero (Believe it or Not!) song on my iPod! Happy Day to you, Donk!

  • Tooth pick. Ice pick... no. No Ice pick. Those things are scarey. Tooth pick will do.

    What am I even talking about.

  • Sunny days chasing the clouds away...

    We should duo...

    That's right you read me correctly... not duel...


    I can sing out of tune and you can bray...

  • Happy Wednesday Donk!  I am going for last again!

  • nite donkey...tis healing now...Smile

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