November 2, 2013

  • The Sunday Donkey Times 11-3-2013


    A Baaa-d Cold? This Sheep Has A Sore Throat – And There’s A Video To Prove It

    October 26, 2013

    It’s that time of year when colds and flu bugs start taking hold – and this young ram has clearly caught one.

    While all his buddies are having a great time bleating in the background, this poor soul finds himself in desperate need of a cough sweet.

    His croaky voice is a far cry from previous mammals who’ve become YouTube sensations.

    Most make headlines for their loud voices – including the now world famous screaming sheep (see below), Seamore the screaming seal, and the flock of New Zealand sheep who hosted a sinister question-and-answer session.

    Posted to YouTube this week, the short, nine-second clip of our poorly ram has 500,000 views and counting.

    For the original article, go here.

    Baby Ducks Having Fun On A Waterslide

    October 24, 2013

    Having fun on a waterslide is a pursuit some Britons like to enjoy while on holiday.

    But Brits abroad are not the only ones who enjoy the thrill of the slippery slope, as this cute clip shows.

    This group of ducklings were filmed making a splash while taking it in turns to whizz down a mini slide.

    The ducks took it in turns to have a go before quickly making their way back up a ramp for some more entertainment.

    Thousands have watched the clip online, with one YouTube user saying: ‘How is this not viral?

    ‘The Korean guy singing got a billion views and this is WAY better.’

    For the original article, go here.





    Trick or treat!!!

    Spazzz told me not to forget something – but I forgot what it was!



    Dear Miss Smarty Pants,

    How does one suddenly become allergic to their own underwear – and what has it got to do with silent retreats?


    Dear Donkey,

    Shhhh! No one is supposed to be talking, especially about underwear.  Unless of course you break out in an allergic reaction in which case the only thing you can do is post about it on Facebook.

    Miss Smarty Pants

    Dear Miss Smarty Pants,

    They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away! What keeps bananas away?


    Dear Tude,

    This is an appealing question.  No one should want to keep bananas away.  They are delicious.  But if this is truly a problem, I suggest you hire a monkey or a cartoonist.  They will either eat them all or use them as jokes about people falling.  Both things are funny and everyone needs to laugh.

    Miss Smarty Pants

    DingDongDoc is this week’s winner!

    DonkeyNewsProfile Well, that’s the way it was!

    Your Donkey on the Beat, signing off until next week!

    cooked_turkey_walking_md_wht Dead Turkey Jokes of the Day

    Why is it called a TV “set” when you only get one?Why does your nose run and your feet smell?

    Why does an alarm clock “go off” when it begins ringing?

    YouTube Today’s YouTube Tune

    Raffi – Bananaphone

    Did you see an interesting news article this past week? Do you have a question for Miss Smarty Pants? Report it to the Donkey!

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